
Dual-Credit Advantage Option to SCADA Cybersecurity Graduate Certificate

This certificate requires 15 graduate credits.  Students must successfully complete one IST course (either IST 7060 or IST 7100) and all four SEC courses identified in the core courses to complete the certificate.  Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses in order to earn the certificate.

香港伦理 requirements include:

 A minimum GPA of 3.25

 Completion of at least 60 credits towards your degree program

 A meeting with an academic advisor to submit an Accelerated Option Intent (AOI) form upon completion of at least 30 credits; and

 Recommendation of the Program Chair

Note:  Students will not be eligible to register for graduate level courses until they have successfully completed at least 60 credits towards their bachelor’s degree and have an approved AOI form.  Students must receive their B.S. degree in order to receive the graduate certificate.

Minimum Grade Policy: Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses in order to earn the certificate.

This certificate requires 15 graduate credits.  Students must successfully complete one IST course (either IST 7060 or IST 7100) and all four SEC courses identified in the core courses to complete the certificate.  Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses in order to earn the certificate. 

Project and Change Management


IT Policy and Strategy

Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security

SCADA Architecture

SCADA Risk Management and Auditing

SCADA Security Awareness and Standards

This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.