Filing a Report

To initiate the informal resolution process or formal resolution process, a report must be received by the Title IX Coordinator.

File Anonymously

A report may be filed anonymously using the online form or by downloading and mailing the form to the Title IX Coordinator.

File In Person or by Email, Mail, or Phone

A report may also be filed by the Complainant without remaining anonymous in person, or by email, mail or phone to the Title IX Coordinator.

Please Note: the anonymous incident forms (online or download) can also be used to submit a complaint and identify yourself by selecting "no" to the "reporting anonymously" section and providing your contact information requested on the forms.

Title IX Coordinator

Linda Van Drie Andrzjewski, EdD 
Executive Director of Title IX, Clery and Regulatory Affairs
47 Reads Way
New Castle, DE 19720
Phone: (302) 356-6754
Fax: (302) 328-7918